Whatever Happened To Baby in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Whatever Happened To Baby

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jennyjoan | 21:32 Mon 18th Dec 2017 | Film, Media & TV
17 Answers
I am watching TV version of whatever happened to baby Jane - who was the guy with the dark glasses called BOb - thanks
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Is it 'Feud' that your watching,jj ?.
If it is then Bob was the film director Robert Aldrich.
Alfred Molina is Robert/Bob in Feud.

Question Author
thanks to two of you - I did think Robert Aldrich did remind me of somebody else.

Mamy - wouldn't have remembered Alfred Molina at all. Thanks to the two of you. LOL
You're welcome.
Your welcome, are you enjoying it so far jj ?.
Question Author
just got out of bed - trying to sleep - thought whatever happened to baby jane was a cracker. The bad thing then was when it came out it wasn't subtitled so I couldn't work it out for maybe years LOL - but fabulous movie. The two of them gelled so well even tho they hated one another. (sometimes I do wonder - did they hate each other as people thought)
. (sometimes I do wonder - did they hate each other as people thought)

Probably not, jj. But it sold the news papers that hollywood gossip columnists worked for.
Question Author
like hedda and louella
Yes, jj. A right pair of female dogs.
Question Author
when is the next episode thanks
If you go on BBC iplayer all eight episodes are on there ( BBC 2 ), jj.
Question Author
thanks tony - will do tomorrow - not feeling so good after the head falls
not feeling so good after the head falls

Go see your GP, jj.
Susan Sarandon is totally brilliant playing Bette.
She was, mightymouse. Some very good acting ( of all characters ) all round I thought.
have now watched all 8 episodes on I Player, brilliant...
Question Author
when you think Susan Sarandan was Bette Davis before Bette was LOL

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Whatever Happened To Baby

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