Heart Problem? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Heart Problem?

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Smowball | 16:11 Wed 20th Dec 2017 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
So to cut a long story short I became quite poorly on Monday with an absolutely racing heartbeat which got worse and worse. I hoped it would ease but after several hours it was clear it wasn’t going to - I was struggling to breath too. Doctor lives opposite me so I went across. He took one look at me and took my obs and my heart rate was 135 bpm. He called an ambulance even though I said no need but it took so long to get there that by the time it had arrived my heart was back to normal!
They still insisted I went to get checked out. Eventually after hours the consultant says he thinks I have SVT? I’m being booked in for an echocardiogram and to wear a heart monitor for 24 hrs to see if it catches it (which I bet it won’t)
Does anybody have any knowledge of SVT?
P.S. I’ve had two episodes before in last 6 months but nowhere near as bad and only for half hour.
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Heart specialist thought I had SVT about 10 years ago. I had to wear monitor for 24 hours. Anyway, decided not as bad and said it was sinus tachycardia, which I'm on Bisoprodol for. Probably stress brought it on Smow. Hope all goes well for you.
There are many causes of SVT's which you can Google, but by far the commonest cause is "idiopathic", in other words, no cause can be found.
Google the other causes to complete you query.

There you go...I don't do this for just anybody ;-)
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Yes doctor did say they often don’t know what causes it.
Yes, had loads of problems with it last year, generally got stuck with a heart rate between 160 and 170 bpm, no problems capturing it on an ECG as was going for over an hour at times, luckily it did self-revert. I work in a hospital so it was quite easy to do this. At other times, I could get rid of it by doing forceful blowing against closed hands. Was started on beta blockers which calmed everything down to some extent, and opted to have a cardiac ablation (had a five month wait for this as it's not a urgent procedure). Can't believe the difference it's made, off medication now, no longer getting half as knackered and my running and rowing times have gone back down to where they were five years ago
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Thanks Sqad - much appreciated : )
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Patsy- thank you. It is an awful sensation : (
Campbellking - did you ever work out what was causing yours in the first place?
Got fed up with the 'do you drink lots of coffee' question as I don't even like the stuff. Lead a reasonably healthy lifestyle, don't drink (don't like the taste of alcohol), don't smoke, exercise regularly and have a normal BMI. Work was pretty stressful (still is), but the cardiologist said it might just be one of those things or genetic. I did ask him if that meant I could blame my mother, he just grinned.
I regularly hit 155 and sometimes get to 175 and beyond.

Meds have helped to some extent and there has been some muttering about me getting a pacemaker but that is on the back burner due to other more pressing health issues.
You've been under an immense amount of stress over the past few weeks, Smow. Look after yourself x
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Thanks for all the replies everyone xx
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Eccles that’s very high!
My heart rate is rarely lower than 110, I've just adjusted to it.

Hope you get sorted Smow.
That's because Eccles has a big heart xx
Ohhh, you say the nicest things Islay!!!! :-)

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