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Confused Olde Person

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sunny-dave | 13:18 Thu 21st Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I have spent quite a bit of this week preparing for Christmas Eve (when I have to turn out a 'full roast dinner' for several) - I was working on the basis that this was Saturday evening.

Apparently I'm wrong ... :-{

Ideas for what to do with 'one complete spare day - no previous owners - totally unused' ?

scatty dave xx


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Duvet and video day to garner the energy for the day/s to come.
visit female friend for hugs?
chill out, sleep a bit, sit on here a while, contemplate your navel, dream of maidens dark and fair, i could go on...
A senior moment Dave....enjoy them !
1. Unblock my downstairs loo.
2. Replace one electric socket in my kitchen.
3. If my shower's not fixed prepare yours for my Christmas visitors.
4. Visit my mum....she won't know you're not me.

You join fellow scatties on here .. ( like me) Then open a bottle of Bailey's and pretend losing your mind doesn't matter .. (like me)!
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I have now, for the first time ever, got a TV in my bedroom - with Sky I think - I could have a day in bed with Game of DragonsAndTits - sorry 'Thrones'.

It's thrown my 'Have I Got Enough Wine" calculations out by a day - may need another case ...
ahh so your planning on watching porno movies then! lol
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Intellectual Alt History ... allegedly ... I have never watched it so I may be wrong ...
lol yup your wrong
'history' lmao
dave thought christmas eve was saturday, gness thought her girl's do was wednesday instead of thursday ... when you two meet up is there a duet of 'what are you doing here?'

"one complete spare day". I appear to have mislaid my "one complete spare day". I can give yours a good home. Because I still have the entirety of Christmas to deal with. I dont suppose I'll have a lot of luck getting an adjournment.........
No, Ael....well not always....although because I'm so useless at recognising folk and very short sighted I've told Dave that each time we meet up he is to carry one red rose......

He believed me and by Christmas I'll have a lovely bouquet.... :-)
Mow the lawn ?
Mow the lawn, Baz! As if....Dave gives passing workmen coffee and they set the work experience lad on his bit of lawn...... :-)
lol- what ? - his and her's bits of lawn ?
He has a her???? Blimey..... ;-)

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Confused Olde Person

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