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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 23:56 Sat 23rd Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Hi, we're almost there ...................... ♥♥♥



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Rather than post a thread, I'll take this opportunity to wish all AB'ers & their loved ones, wherever they may be, a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.

I'm posting this especially for the lady that makes it worth my waking up every day - with her, every day is Christmas. XX

I know she'll enjoy this silly track & I hope everyone else does - the laughing in the background does it for me :-))

I'll see you, LiK, and raise you one of these:

Dave - oh, that's perfect, I love that track! Why didn't I post it? Just cos it wasn't a "Christmassy" (?) one... Yes, I'm an idiot, but she knows that ;-)

Don't you know all my dreams come true
When I'm walking down the street with you

Up late - this Merlot's very nice...

I've just been through all the tracks I've never heard before - brilliant! Thanks to you all, but especially Mamya & Tony - Jive Turkeys, Pepper Pots, Flirtations - how do I not know them?

[i]It'll be a Northern thing, you watch, they'll pounce... they like a pounce, do your Northerners... ;-)[i]

Just cos I don't think it's been posted yet -

Oh good, the italics didn't work. Sorry. Meh. Need sleep. Good night all, be well :-) x

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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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