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Sacrilege! Irn Bru Ruined

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Togo | 15:33 Thu 04th Jan 2018 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
By the health police........What will happen to all those hangovers now? Better get stocked up all you partakers in Scotland. :))



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As long as they don't start mucking about with my Tunnocks....
I like a wee snowball with ice cream, :-)
I once had a holiday job in Barr's factory!
Did you get freebies ?
Don't remember any freebies, but do remember singing:
Lees, Lees, more if you you please,
All of us beg on our bended knees...

I'd better not go on lest I get banned on here - the rest contains a word now very un-PC! Used to love those macaroon bars

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Sacrilege! Irn Bru Ruined

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