My doorbell is invisible - no parcel delivery man or postie in living history has ever managed to actually use it.
However ... it seems that certain people can not only use it, but feel the need to ring twice.
So a message has now been attached :
"Dear Nice Elderly People - ringing my doorbell (twice) at 9:15 on a Saturday morning is inevitably going to result in a short conversation with a mad-eyed, half-asleep bloke in a dressing gown - who was fast asleep two minutes ago and doesn't know what day it is let alone whether he is interested in the role of Jesus in natural disasters. Please stop this now"
For those thinking "lazy git - should be awake by then" - my history on here will show that I was hard at work on The Listener until 2am, and I followed that with an hour or so of TMS until I gave up and went to sheep.
I had the neighbours ring the intercom one evening, they are a load of noisy bstards anyway, and they called about
10pm looking for their cat, i should have told them to shove off, but it wasn't the cats fault. I wasn't happy as i had just managed to get off to sleep, now i often put the intercom on privacy so you can't ring it.
unplugged mine, was fed up with folk leaning on it.
Now, an occasional caller tries to remove my letter-box cover from the front door.
Nicer ones gently knock.