On a pro-rata basis women get paid more than men at Wimbledon. Men play more sets, draw bigger crowds, and higher TV viewing figures, and yet the prize money is the same - which hardly seems fair to me!
Personally I think this is a bad idea. Yes, in an ideal world, men and women doing the same job should be paid the same.
But consider this. I was the subject of a grievance a few years ago because I was paying a man more than a woman doing the same job and then subsequently promoted him without given the woman the opportunity to apply for the job.
Sounds terrible, doesn't it.
However, they were on the same salary at one point, but then she became pregnant and took 12 months mat leave. During her mat leave she became pregnant again, and the way the dates worked meant she came back to work for about 6 weeks, and then went on mat leave again - so to all intents and purposes she had a full two years off....and then gets the hump and brings a grievance against me because the guy who was working his nuts off, and pretty much covering her work, got rewarded for doing so.
Also, why should anybody (man or woman) who is doing the same job, but one is better at the same job, not be rewarded more?
This is a tremendously bad idea and will result in (a) disharmony and (b) inevitably employers having to pay more, even though those on less may not be worth as much as their co-worker.