Justice Secretary David Lidington moves to the Cabinet Office, inheriting part of Damian Green's old job
Key figures Philip Hammond, Boris Johnson, David Davis and Amber Rudd have all been re-confirmed in their jobs
Not good....he has become almost institutionalized these last few months. He had a titanium plate fitted instead of part of his cranium, in January last year. He has been in hospital ever since. He can walk but refuses to do so. Some of this may be due to his head injury, but I think it is worse than that.
He hasn't washed or shaved since Xmas morning. He broke 3 of his crowns just before Xmas but refuses to let a Dentist examine him. I could go on.
He is causing the family a lot of heart ache at the moment, most of it self caused. The Hospital have been as much use as chocolate teapot.
It was supposed to be May reasserting her authority, but the reverse happened.
It has been a pretty shambolic day. The Conservative website posted Grayling as aparty Chairman,and then an hour later they announced someone else.
it was leaked, presumably by May and her chums, that it was to be a huge reshuffle. It wasn't. Just about the only change is that Greening walked out on May after more leaks that she was to be sacked.
One (anonymous) Tory MP said:
“May gives in to the boys but effectively sacks a woman born and raised in Rotherham, who went to the local comprehensive, who is bright and more than able, and who won a marginal seat beating Labour – oh, and she happens to be in a same sex relationship.”
Your brother doesn't seem to make life easy for those who care about him, Mikey, imagine how it would be trying to deal with him for the other 23 or so hours in the day while trying not to melt from all that hot liquid inside you.
Mikey, I'm seriously very sorry to hear what you have to say but if your brother is that obstinate I really can't see what you expect the hospital staff to do. They can't force him to do what's best for him. I'm sure they're doing what they can.
Naomi....thanks. He is in the wrong Hospital, that is the problem. He needs to be a specialist rehab unit, for people who have head injuries. The family are trying but its like wading through treacle.