My grandson arrived at 6.48am! All well. My daughter had forceps to help delivery. 7lb9oz. Lovely weight. Can't wait to meet him later! We've all had a cry, with relief mainly! He's gorgeous!....xx
Daughter seeing consultant today about his damaged little arm. Could be tissue damage. Don't think it was a break after all according to X-ray. I'm going to ring D soon to find out so will let you know. Had lots of cuddles with him yesterday and changed his nappy. He is such a little sweetie. I am so in love with him already! X
Broken bones are extremely unusual in newborns.....extremely, as many of them haven't ossified ( formed true bone) and hence "bend " rather than break.
Ah!....that makes sense......nothing to do with broken bones, but a complication of forceps delivery affecting the nerves in the armpit.
He may need some physiotherapy at some time.
Thanks again everyone. Daughter in for another 2 nights. Babys name;
Ray Frederick. First name after partner's dad who sadly died when he was 9 years old and daughter's and partner's grandfather who were both called the latter! He's my little Ray of sunshine!...xx