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My Husband Got The Flu... :-(

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Patsy33 | 13:03 Mon 29th Jan 2018 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Aaagggghhhh!! He keeps telling me how terrible it is...... ( I'm not unsympathetic, but....)


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Quite so Barmaid, watch though or you'll have demerit points on your membership card for siding with the weak and feckless. :)
Flu, colds ... we all feel horrible don't we.
Hopefully, Doug, I'll be able to give you the low down on childbirth soon. ;-)

All the best for that, NoMercy
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Goodgoalie, thanks for that link. Flu is terrible, I know I had it myself the beginning if December. I can assure you I do look after him and he knows it.
Cheers Doug.

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Is it tomorrow you see midwife NoM? How you feeling?
The 'flu is indeed a horrible thing to contract, that is beyond doubt.
BUT is certainly seems to be a truism that men are more voluble when it comes to describing their symptoms....
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They can't seem to handle it as well as women can they?
"Man flu is not 'just a cold'. It is a condition so severe that the germs from a single man flu sneeze could wipe out tribes of people living in the rain forests and probably monkeys too!"
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An update:-
Talking on the phone, eating toast & playing with cat....
Yes patsy but how's your husband lol
And what is your husband doing patsy ?
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Naughty! My big fat tabby cat.

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My Husband Got The Flu... :-(

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