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Which one ?

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pappasmurf | 16:50 Wed 12th Jul 2006 | Adverts
11 Answers
Daddy or chips ?


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McCain Oven Chips if that is the answer you are looking for.
er? would i rather have a father or some chips? chips every time!
Chips rather than my father? Chips.

No, make that CHIPS!!!!!!!! miss him so much....
Chips.... mmmmmmmmm
My is by default - ships
I asked the 'pod larva (aged 2�) this question a month or so ago. His answer?


Deffo, ....... Chips.
AHHHH! are you serious daddy or chips
(its a close call but daddy wins all the time i think you are very mean to chose chips, even though they are soooo good!) how about you choose mummy or chips?

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