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Freeview Hd

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erik2 | 20:53 Tue 06th Feb 2018 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Haven't been able to get 107/108 in hd for 4days done retune 3times over 3days .no joy ...emley moor transmitter..
Anyone else ?


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It might be best to wait until tomorrow to see whether the problem clears itself, as everyone with Freeview is meant to do a full re-tune then anyway. (By 'full' I mean using the option to 'replace existing channels', rather than to 'add channels', or whatever else your TV calls it).

There are no faults currently reported with the Emley Moor transmitter though:

What are expecting to find on 108 anyway? I can't see it listed in the official Freeview channel guide:
^^^ Oops!

It's seems that the 'clearance' programme affecting many Freeview transmitters this year doesn't involve Emley Moor, so there shouldn't be any need to retune tomorrow in your area.

In which case, if you're losing certain channels, it seems likely that your aerial isn't particularly good at receiving signals from the COM7 multiplex (which has channels 107 and 108 allocated to it).

It's probably fine when the signal strength is good but when it's less so (due to things such as the 11-year sunspot cycle, individual flares on the surface of the sun, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, seasonal changes in the height of the ionosphere, interference from other devices, etc) when the signal isn't as good.

If so, simply fitting a signal booster should solve your problem. Major supermarkets sell them for around a tenner (but remember that you'll probably need to buy a fly lead, to go between the booster and your TV set) separately.
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The Ariel is ok it's powered for our apartment's block and has been no trouble for years 108 is my favourite channel aljezerra in hd.and yes I do a full retune every time.signal strength on other hd channels is well over 90%
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All back on today at 15.00

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