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weecalf | 19:37 Thu 08th Feb 2018 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Have you noticed that if you go with a few people to a distant place to for instance play a team sport .There is always someone in your team who knows a player in the opposition and starts to shout greetings to them .Like saying ,you others don’t know anyone here but I do . If he meets people in his own area he would not get on like that would he . Bet you don’t know what I’m on about but try just to humour me .


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Consider yourself humoured.

Humoured, with difficulty!
humoured here.....I have NO IDEA what you are on about or why it matters
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Knew you would understand
I'd shout a hello to someone I knew in my area and far away.
Have you not been well?..
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I get a feeeling you are beginning to understand
Do I know you?!
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Who me ?
I know you from somewhere?
You know what he's waiting for Weecalf - someone to ask him how he knows the player from the opposing team.

If you ask he'll bore you to bits with how they met and what marvellous escapades they had.
I have a friend who seems to know everybody. When we go anywhere, she always knows someone.
The OP reminds me of Kevin Pietersen in cricket. Playing cricket for England, he'd hang out with his native countrymen while in South Africa.
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Yes the last three comments are exactly what I mean .Thank you
no I usually find when I go to places far away,
that it is full of strangers

I mean in Cairo there isnt anyone I would recognise
( altho I could do a passable "hullo me old sarn, what you doin' here then?" in Arabic - and he would say sommit like " I live here" )
Weecalf - you can soon quieten them, just say, Yes I know him as well, I think he was on Crimestoppers.
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We gave him his day in the sun .We were there to win .usually got beat but at least it got us out .

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