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What Would You Do?

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sandyrocky | 17:49 Sun 18th Feb 2018 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
imagine,when you wake up on a happy morning and you suddenly spot a tarantula on your wrist and you have no one around you to save you
what will you do?


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Go back to sleep.
make it some breakfast and have a chat!
Instinctively, I would scream and flap my arms around, whilst leaping out of bed.

What would you do?
Id die of shock!!!!
I’d call for Jhonny

Wave that arm as far as possible away from me!
Go berserk and die through shock. Why? Has this happened to you? Gawd forbid.
EcclesCake has the right attitude on this matter.

Tarantulas are far from as dangerous as we are led to believe. It's their large size that makes them frightening.

Tarantulas are beautiful. I’ve had one crawl across my hand.
Let's all sing :-


shake it off on my partner & thwack it
For me, it would definitely be an EEEEEK moment !
eat it, anyone want a recipe...

the leftovers can go into a tequila cocktail.
Pmsl. Eccles is having a nightmare.....

Me? In my dream i would probably chop my own arm off.
I'd just take more water with it the next time.

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