Taken yet another call from Scottish Power...we have engineers in .....stop I said , I have told you at least ten times I DON'T WANT ONE !
Getting a bit peed off by their persistence..letters..texts..e mail..calls...even had an engineer present to fit one..is it just Scottish Power behaving like this ?
Smart meters allow the network operators and energy companies to monitor energy/time of use.Because the grid infrastructure is outdated they want you to use energy outside peak demand.With smart meters they can 'persuade' customers to do just that.....AVOID.
Nope, I can't.
We embrace new technology ourselves so we decided, having looked into it, to go for it, given that we're all going to have one eventually anyway. Others must decide for themselves.
Lets hope they read mm's thread first..:-).....on a happier note if yours is a 1st generation meter they will be returning soon to replace it ..because they are due to be scrapped and 'updated'.
We've had our meter replaced with a new one. I assume it's a 'smart' meter as we were given a monitor too, which didn't work. I switched it off as I thought it might be contributing to the problems with our wifi.
I haven't noticed much difference between the two meters.