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Shared Birthdays.

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gness | 14:22 Mon 12th Mar 2018 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Today is the birthday of Mr G's would also have been MrG's birthday and the birthday of MrG's father....

I know Melv now has a shared birthday in the family....anyone else?

Off now to share some Jameson with MrG at his grave...... :-)


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My son, grandson and sister in law share a birthday.
In any group of 23 people there is slightly over a 50% chance that two of them will share a birthday.
Only the twins in our family.

Enjoy the birthday tipple Gness.x
Husband, brother and goddaughter
Son & daughter - born same day two years apart & other son & his son (my grandson) share the same birthday.
Not the same thing, but it's the things' birthday today - they're 10, I don't know where the time has gone :)
Only OH and his two sisters, but they are triplets.
My eldest son was born on his grandmothers birthday.
My second child and I share a birthday.
I’m now trying to imagine the conversations in the Ancestral Gness line :

“Fancy a bit of slap & tickle?”

“What’s the date?”

“12th of June”

“OK - but that’s yer lot until this time next year”

... possibly ...
not family. but I do share my birthday wit A N OTHER of note.... have I mentiond when recently ?.. lol...

hope today has not been to sad for you G xx
too ^^^
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Indeed, Dave....and keeping up tradition it's now included in all our marriage vows...... :-)

Been so long since you mentioned it, Minty I've forgotten......wonder who it could be........???......

Not sad at all thanks, Minty.......I had to take poitín as the Jameson had evaporated.....swigged it back too quickly as I was updating MrG on family events and choked so much I thought I'd be occupying the other half of the double plot...... x
I have been witness to Irish travellers celebrating grave side..quite a party! music and food along with the sloshing of booze onto the grave for the dear departed..all rather jolly !!
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We do good graveside parties, Minty!..... :-)
Danny Boy is quite poignant grave side..and rather beautiful....
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It is, Minty......and my lot will be singing they've done all my life..... :-)
My MIL and I are a day apart, Husband's BF, dad and nan are all 09 March, his paternal grandparents are both 25 September, his nephew and cousin are both 09 April and my aunt, her son and his daughter are all 18 July.

There are also 2 sets of twins in my family.

My boy has a birthday all to himself but he should have arrived on my late nan's birthday.
It was my birthday today as well! Been to the pub to celebrate making it to 53!!!
My two uncles wife's and my son share a birthday.

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