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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 03:52 Mon 19th Mar 2018 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
Monday. Still some snow about. Still 0°C outside. So it's another day in after the running around. I got a lot done yesterday, not much left now. Just watching the highlights of the ladies rugby, every bit as good as the men, and most of them are better looking too! :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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wet underfoot here, no sign of ice up to the lane...just been up there. Quite wintry looking though.
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floating ice on the loch the other week
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Morning guys and girls xxx
morning NOM xx
Morning NoM.....

time to get the mater sorted out and then I'm venturing forth, the carer due in.....
bye DT xx take care
sun !!
Morning all. I haven't looked outside yet but I can hear lots of crunching under foot so I'm guessing it's still icy.

morning ummmm xx
Snow in far SW. Not as much as a fortnight ago. Hospital appointment at 11 so hope there is no more snow.
Sorry should have said Good morning,all.
Bit worried they might cancel the clinic I suppose it depends if the consultant can get in.
morning Gill xx best phone ahead ?
Morning everyone. Once again I turn up as everyone is leaving! Still snow here. I didn't want to risk driving my Mini down our steep hill yesterday. Don't know if it will be ok today.
morning clover xx
Good idea, minty. Don't want to go out for no reason or waste money getting there.
Hope this lot goes soon. We don't often get it down here.
Hope your snow clears soon. Take care in it.
snow clearing fine..but ice is a problem now... you take care if you go out Gill xx
Thanks, minty. Will have my roller and crutch and taxi so will phone hospital now to make sure and then get ready.
Will be glad when I'm back. Was planning to go down town but will leave that until tomorrow. I won't starve!
Can see the hills over near St Ives which is always a good sign. Sun is trying to come out now so all good.
Have a good day.
bye Gill xx

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