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I'm Losing It!

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Caran | 01:37 Mon 19th Mar 2018 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I made a stirfry tonight. As we were eating it OH asked why have you not put any noodles in it?
I completely forgot. It was just meat, veg and a sauce!


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Tell him you've gone low carb.
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I made enough for tomorrow night seeing as we are not going on holiday until Tuesday hopefully. I have made myself a reminder to put some noodles in for tomorrow night.
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It's such a long time since we had a stirfry it never crossed my mind about noodles!
Mind is on other things, that's all.
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You are right Mamya.
Thats easily done, you have a lot going on at the moment.x
Nothing wrong with that at all caran. :o}
Good grief, I did the same. It was only by reading this post that I realised. I thought that it tasted rather bland.
i put the potato in the oven to do baked potato and forgot to close the door, hence just meat and veg for supper,
we all forget things, the older i get the more things get forgotten
I'm sure you all have seen those "stair chairs" on some sort of rail moves one up to the next floor.

Well, I want to make one that moves incredibly fast, speed of sound sort of fast.

That way when you get up the stairs you may remember why ;-)
put me down for one oz ! lol
Takes me about ninety seconds to forget where I put something.

About three minutes to forget what I was actually doing!
It's called a stairlift here, but I like the idea! :o}
I'd have one as well, but I live in a bungalow!
You say you forget more easily as you age but .... ummm .... errrr .... something ?
Noddles? Is that all?
I lost me flipping dirt yesterday.
I always sweep my hard floors with a soft broom, leaving the dirt in a little pile to get up later with a dustpan and brush.
Did all the floors, went back with dustpan, and no muck on me kitchen floor. Really thought I was losing it. I assume I must have swept the kitchen muck into the hall way to join the little heap there, only silly I know but I did doubt my sanity for a few moments until I thought it through logically.

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