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Question About Aneamia

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ferlew | 23:55 Tue 20th Mar 2018 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Had a blood test earlier today, out of hours GP rang not long ago, and told me the resukt of the blood test was that I am quite aneamic. He wants me to ring surgery in the morning for further investigations. They will have the results by then he says.
Apart from the fact they rang me at 10pm which I find odd, he also said my haemoglobin was 70 and ought to be 120 whatevers, I don't understand. He said I may need bowel investigation. Why on earth would I need that.
Worried sick now. (Probably over nothing)


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Well they are certainly on the ball, hope you'll soon be feeling much better.
You won't have time to do any knitting !
When you go to eat your packed lunch - that's when they'll want to stick needles in lol

Am sure you'll be fine Ferlew, please keep us posted xx
I wish you well for the morning & hope you feel better soon x
Hope all goes well for you Ferlew. xx
I think you will feel much perkier after a blood transfusion ferlew. Thank goodness for " blood donors ".
Good luck ferlew. Have to say unlike other ABers who welcome doctor's interfering in our daily lives and testing for everything I'd have been absolutely scared and fuming getting a call like that at 10pm. Utterly utterly thoughtless in my opinion.
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Mr F and I donated regularly, him more often because he was asked for inbetweenses being Group O, thanks for all good wishes :)
Wishing you well, Ferlew.....Gx

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