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A Salute To The Murdered French Policeman

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waterboatman | 06:14 Sun 25th Mar 2018 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
A brave man. A hero in the true sense of the word.


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What a great selfless man. So sad he had to die...
A great pity that France dispensed with Madame Guillotine.
I cannot agree more with all the posts about this selfless, heroic man. I hope he is awarded a posthumous 'Legion d'honneur' or something like, if it is not appropriate, to give some form of comfort to his family. How many of us can say, hand on heart, that we would act like him? R.I.P.
I don't know what the rules are in France (I don't even know what the rules are in the UK) but you would hope that his family would be financially looked after. To my mind, in this sort of situation, his wife should be paid his full salary until he would have reached retirement age and then his full pension.
I don't know either, but from my time in France I am certain that they will look after their own. As an example, we knew someone who had done his one year National Service after the war and he gets a small pension because of it. As a contrast, Mr J2 did 2 years for the UK and receives zilch (he even had to buy his own vets. badge - our friend had a medal). They value families.
I salute him, he did a very brave thing. RIP
How utterly heartbreaking is this?
An actual hero doing something heroic.
RIP Arnaud Beltrame.

A view not shared by all
Poussier is a disgrace, and his remarks about Lt.-Col. Beltrame shames him and exposes his own lack of good character. We need more people like Ms. Beltrame in this world and less of Poussier's type.

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