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After Brexit

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weecalf | 18:18 Mon 02nd Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Would you say we will become more self sufficient after we leave the EU .or will we go selling everything we need ourselves just to prove we can trade .


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Neither. We will import and export to our own advantage; probably mutual advantage.
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Could we not be self sufficient for say five years . After that time we would be more choosy what we import and not just have to take rubbish because we want to trade .What do we not make ourselves .We could learn .
Ah I think I see what you're saying.

To a degree I agree we should take stock and improve what we are able to provide and produce ourselves.

Fisheries from our fishermans ability to mass fish is decimated at the moment and we simply couldn't cope if we had the whole of our fishing waters to deal with but it is no bad thing to get bigger fleets and restart an industry just waiting for us to return to.

I don't know what the situation with our natural resources are like such as mines for coal and steel and gas etc. Could these industries actually be profitable again or has truely lasting damage been done? (Histrionics not needed we are looking forward).

Trade is wonderful and we will carry on doing so but the consumer has been used to, dependant on and deserves the best quality for the best price so how we can compete with cheaper producers I don't know.

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