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Talking Of Eggs

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jennyjoan | 21:22 Sun 01st Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I got a Lindt egg but have never ate Lindt chocolate - is it nice or shall I give it away.


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that's my very very big problem - I can't just lick and must eat all of it and quite quickly too. You see I'm a bit of greedy gob. - Must say I am going to wait until I have some company and share.
jj has it got caramel inside? If so yummy! My favourite.
I was going to say just have a little bit every so often over a couple of weeks, but have just seen your previous answer. Good idea to wait for company to share it with.
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well had company today for an hour or so - nah - here's a hint - didn't like the Lindt. no not for me
Can you send it my way...I love lindt.
What was it you didn't like about it JJ?
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I think it was too sweet for me - the egg was ate between myself and company but I threw the nuggets into the fridge - I may throw them out.

Out of all the chocolate I sorta like is Lidl own brand. Not so sweet somehow.
It would be a shame to throw the mini eggs away. It's not cheap chocolate. Maybe give to a food bank, or to some local children.

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