Can anyone recommend an easy site I can download free audio books from, specifically for my iPhone so I can listen when travelling. I've had a look online but there seem to be a lot to choose from and I'd prefer a personal recommendation. Thanks.
You don't need to visit the library - you can do it online. We get ebooks (not audio books, but we could do) from several libraries. Just search for say, Oxford libraries, then follow the links for ebooks. You can even join online. Some libraries require you to visit to collect a library ticket, others send it through the post.
Gosh, that's good, I'll look into my local library and see what they offer. I've just had a look online but there's no link to do it that way.
Thanks bhg :)
It's a very convenient way of borrowing books. You can choose how long to keep them (1, 2 or 3 weeks) and then they return themselves ie, become unusable; you might get an option to renew when they are nearing expiry and some libraries let you return them early so that you can take out another. There's no chance of being fined for keeping them too long and you can also use the facility on holiday, even in mainland Europe. You can take out several, depending on the library and you can set up a wishlist and reserve free. Perfect.