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This Morning's Hotel Breakfast....

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gness | 07:48 Thu 12th Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
....was interesting.

Four tables taken when I arrived and one of the three gentlemen at the table by the window wa.......hang ringing....back in a jiff...


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It's your stockbroker calling.
it's Jackdaw !!!
I think that's ok at breakfast. The equivalent of reading a newspaper over your toast and coffee.

OH and I get the British papers on our iPads when abroad, and read them at breakfast in the restaurant. So it probably looks like we're ignoring each other and looking at online messages, but we're just reading the papers.
At dinner is unforgivable though.
I don't really want to talk to anyone of a morning until I have had at least 4 cups of tea !!
....was......surely not.....
Isn't she back yet ???
MMints you are my type of person, tho I can usually manage after 4 cups
Oops, 3 cups
She's been bundled into and locked in the kitchen pantry
Oh no, she'll pig out on the contents.
Waiting with baited breath gness... who was he?

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This Morning's Hotel Breakfast....

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