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andy-hughes | 13:30 Thu 13th Jul 2006 | Music
2 Answers
I'm off to the Bloodstock Festival at Caton Hall tomorrow and Saturday - I'm doing some interviews and a review for an American magazine.

I will be on my own (sob!) so do come up and say hello - I will stand out like a Rabbi at a Christening(!) I have glasses, will be carrying a blue rucksack, and have a beat-up Nike baseball cap on. See you there?


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Just me then .....
m8, u sound like a sad, pathetic geek wit no life, mayb u shud fink b4 u open ur mouth, no1 wants to participate in such **** like this, just a hint if u eva get girl friend, dont take her there on ur first date....unless she is a geek 2.....

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