Welcome to the January 2018 edition of the Quizzes & Puzzles round up.
Check back to the December Quizzes and Puzzles Round Up thread to see results, thanks from setters and how much money was raised!
Please remember it is vital that you add contact details i.e. email or postal address, the closing date, the cost, where the quiz funds will be going and the theme of the quiz, thanks.
If you have already added your quiz elsewhere to AB you can just post the link to the question as an answer to this one.
Please could you post one quiz per answer to avoid confusion, thank you.
Closing in January 2018
St Andrew's Church, Epworth Christmas Quiz. Closing Date January 5th.
Christmas Dingbats - Pendleside Hospice. 48 Dingbats in the set, all with a festive season theme. Closing Date January 6th.
SAVE THE CHILDREN'S Winter Quiz for Higham Ferrers Branch. 50 questions in 5 sections, varied. Donation £1. Closing Date January 10th.
Hammond Property Services Click on the image for this year's quiz.
http://www.hammondpropertyservices.com/quiz Closing Date January 13th.
The WEAPONS QUIZ in aid of Breast Cancer Care. A chance to win a £25 Garden Centre gift card. Closing Date January 14th.
Goodworth Clatford 2017 Christmas Quiz in aid of St Peter's Church and Alzheimer's Society. Closing Date January 16th.
Animal quiz in aid of Nairn hydrotherapy pool. Closing Date January 16th.
Hastings Sierra Leone Friendship Link cryptic winter quiz 2017. This year's theme: Famous People. ("How Labour leader presses his suit? (6,5)"). Closing Date January 20th.
Tom, Dick or Harry. Raising money for Water Aid. All answers are people/animals, real or imaginary, who are called Tom, Dick or Harry. Closing date January 31st 2018.
Hidden Books Game Closing date January 31st 2018.
New Hot Pot Quiz from Gen2 Closing date January 31st 2018.
New Rhodes Minnis. It's All About Eyes. Closing date January 31st 2018.
A cryptic quiz where all the answers relate to transport. The quiz is designed to raise funds for Children's Hospice South West (https://www.chsw.org.uk). Prizes are £100 in total and the Rotary Club of Tiverton is sponsoring so all donations will go to the charity. Additionally Barclays Bank PLC is matching funding up to £750. Copies of the quiz may be obtained by emailing lesrendell41@gmail.com Closing date January 31st 2018.
Closing in February 2018
New Quiz in aid of The RAP Foundation. The theme is colours. Closing date 3rd February 2018.
Christmas Charity Quiz - Stepping Stones Day Nursery. The quiz is a mixture of Christmas Trivia, Christmas Film and TV, Christmas Music and Pantomime, Christmas History and Christmas Pictures (Disguised Santas and Christmas Movie Screenshots). Closing date 5th February 2018.
St Mary's Church Blackpool BQ21. In aid of Hall Refurbishment. First Prize £10 plus £5 drawn at random. Closing date 9th February 2018.
Names of Brownie Badges quiz in aid of 2nd Coldstream Brownies. 30 cryptic clues. Closing date 10th February 2018.
Xmas Kisses. 100 assorted questions all answers contain at least one letter x. Closing date 14th February 2018.
Quizzes for Charity Christmas/New Year Postal Quiz in aid of Williams Syndrome Foundation and First Step. 80 General Knowledge type questions and 10 pics of places in the UK. Closing date 14th February 2018.
‘Double F Together’ Quiz in aid of Treetops Hospice Care. 30 questions - all answers are ONE WORD that contain 'Double F Together' e.g. Spring flower = daFFodil. Closing date 23rd February 2018.
Fenwick Bowling Club. £1 entry and £15 prize. Closing date 27th February 2018.
St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild 'buildings' Quiz. 40 clues, £1 entry and £25 prize. Closing date 28th February 2018.
The Pink Quiz 2017 - Find a Colour. 87 General knowledge questions all leading to a colour in the answer. Closing date 28th February 2018.
POT LUCK quiz in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Closing date 28th February 2018.
Closing in March 2018
Linkword Quiz in aid of St Columba's Church Nairn. 25 questions. Closing date 1st March 2018.
WINTER quiz in aid of the Romanian Aid Foundation (www.roaf.org). Mixture of 60 questions - 30 questions with the letters WI, NT or ER in the answer, 15 clues on music that has been used in TV adverts and 15 questions on anniversaries in 2017. Closing date 10th March 2018.
Countryside Quiz in aid of Brompton & Sawdon CP School. Questions are cryptic and anagrams of thigns found in the countryside, including flora, fauna and farming etc. Closing date 28th March 2018.
Picture Quiz Containing nursery rhymes, biscuits, parts of flags, who is hiding behind the Santa disguise and celebrity chefs/cooks. Closing date 31st March 2018.
Please remember it is vital that you add contact details ie email or postal address, the closing date, the cost, where the quiz funds will be going and the theme of the quiz, thanks.
If you have already added it to AB you can just post the link to the question.
Please could you post one quiz per answer to avoid confusion, thank you.
If you are asking for help with a quiz, please can you ensure to include the
quiz title and closing date.
Happy Quizzing!