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jennyjoan | 14:40 Sat 28th Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
What do you think of all the groups "coming back".

Latest is ABBA who I love
Girls Aloud

and all the rest

I just think it smacks of desperation or something.

Like I want to remember ABBA for their colourful music, clothes etc - I don't want to look at old fogies anymore.


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ABBA are doing a studio recording of 2 songs I believe and an Avatar tour.. is that holograms singing ??
It is

//A spokesman said the group would not perform live, other than as holograms in the forthcoming Abba Avatar tour.//
hmmm.. think I'll stick to You Tube if I want to see them !
Question Author
will they be old or young LOL
good point !
its not a come back as such. they wont tour in person
i agree, remember them as they were, most if not all are well past their best.
Take That did pretty well out of their come back.

Feed the fans..
I don’t think ABBA are short of a bob or two
-- answer removed --
I don't know if you could call it a comeback, but I went to see Adam Ant last year. He was amazing.

I'm not sure about the Abba thing. I loved them when I was young, but I'm not sure I'd pay to see their avatars singing.
I agree with you jj.
and theland
Abba have never really stopped working on their own projects. The ladies still have very good voices and look good, older, but good.
Nostalgia sells. And it sells BIG.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be :-)

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