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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:36 Tue 01st May 2018 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
Tuesday. The sky is clear, stars out playing, but it's still cold! It should warm up when Helios gets out of bed. I hope so anyway, got some out and about today.

It's just taken nearly an hour to get a connection. Not good enough, a couple of phone calls later.

Have a happy day everyone.


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It's gone all quiet, so I'll say have a happy day and go and do things.xxxxx
morning Paddy....

just waiting for the carer here and then I'll be moving, as well.
Good Morning
One and All
and Isn't it
a Beautiful Morning?

Am I Right ?
I'm Not Wrong !
Morning, johnny. Blue sky here too. Quite cold though, but I don't mind that.
Hi all, lovely and bright here too. Hope you are all ok,

'morning all, Brill. sunshine atm, vast improvement on yesterdays. Rain All Day.
Although tbf it is still cold.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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