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jennyjoan | 18:24 Tue 01st May 2018 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Could you look at my post re the doorbell - your response given to me via Maggiebee apparently has gone. Thanks


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will try and find it
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Portable Doorbell
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The first link was it - couldn't remember where to put the plug-ins.

Now I know it is the living room and I am just remembering my friend has her TV unbelievably high. Literally it is blaring - God help her neighbour.

Did the sticky tape come with your bell?

Thanks Minty.
yes did and has been holding it fine for nearly 9 years same battery too
Sorry I didn't find it wasn't looking for the cleaning spray thread.
we digressed Mamy ! :0)
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I've confused yous all - as usual LOL
Takes an expert ;-)

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