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Bliss Really Is....

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gness | 13:10 Wed 02nd May 2018 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
....arriving home after a really horrid journey from Portsmouth.......some of the worst rain I've had to drive (well passenger) find...

The lads have left a tidy and cosy house......I never doubted them..... ;-)

And a letter from the consultant who's found the problem after the last tests and it's fairly easily I can get on and plant some slow growing shrubs and live to see them!.... :-)


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good to hear all your good news. welcome back to the fray.

sometimes I wonder if all the hooha (the travelling bit is worth it)

I had an uncle who used to say pay as much as you can to get from A-B as quickly as possible. Haven't said that this uncle was as miserable as sin LOL.

I can't be doing with all the travelling now at all.
That's great news, gness, and even the weather's about to improve (from tomorrow) now you're back....
Nice to wander but oh so nice the get home, especially to good news.x
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Thank you......and I agree with your uncle, Conne........I did that with flying but that's not on my list to do anymore......sailing and driving especially on Spanish and Portuguese roads.....x
The sun's shining on the patio, GG...nice and warm to try some of the wine I've brought back.... :-)
It feels lovely to be home, Mamya.....despite the unpacking and washing to do....x
pleased to hear that your house hasn't been covered in pink and green stripes xxx
Sun?! SUN? Not here it isnt. It has rained almost constantly since last Thurs. The funeral was an utter wash out - it was horrid. I am sick of this rain. We had a short interlude of sun yesterday before it rained again. Mr BM managed to get the lawn cut (or the paddock as we lovingly call it given that it doesnt resemble a lawn at all) and then its rained all day so the lawn will just grow!

Anyway, glad you are back and the consultant found that you are normal (or is that pushing things?)!
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I had some leg pulling, Ael......but they're nice lads so I knew they'd not do anything to cross me......or maybe they're just scared.... x

Sun's gone now, BM.....and it's for normal.....I have checked the letter again.....I'm not going to die.....but I can't find anywhere he says I'm normal..... :-(
Oh we're all going to die. It's just a question of when and how. Thankfully though it appears that your consultant has ruled out anything in the foreseeable future. Must be a big sigh of relief!
Jeez I'm a cheerful little ray of sunshine today.

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It's quite nice, BM.....even the kids in the will are happy.... ;-)
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Ray of sunshine?....hmmmm.....I remember those....x
Welcome back Gness, my little ray of sunshine., you have even brought some back with you ready for the Bank Holiday weekend as well, although it may take a day or to to emerge.
I always enjoy reading your posts, they always cheer me up and keep me entertained, long may it continue .x
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Thank you, Gmum......I hope I have brought some sunshine with me....we certainly need it.
As we drove off the ferry in Portsmouth and saw the weather which was atrocious I tried to get out of the car and back on the ferry....I'd have even worked my passage back to Spain....but Dave grabbed my ear and didn't let go til we got to Oxford..... :-(
Home sweet home!
Glad you're in fine working order too gness :-)
welcome home mucker !! glad to hear you're no' quite deid yet xx..
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Thank you both......home is is not being quite deid.....I started reading a book by Denzil's all in Minty speak and for all my years living in's hard work!!! :-)'s a sair fecht ! ;0) xx must be wine time ?
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After that drive it's almost second bottle opening time, Minty..x
Home is where the heart is gness. Lovely news x
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Thanks, Eleena....and home is where the knitting is too.... :-)

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