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Cat Meningitis

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natalie_1982 | 08:42 Wed 19th Jul 2006 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
Sadly last week I had to have my 7 week old kitten,. Matilda, put to sleep as she had meningitis. I would like to read up about it but can't seem to find a lot online. Wondered if anyone else could help or would be able to give me some info?
Mostly, I'd like to know how it can be contracted.


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Im afraid i dont know the answer to your question but just wanted to say how sorry i am that you lost your kitten. best wishes
Sorry about your Matilda. There's some info here.
If you bought her from someone, you might want to inform them.
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Thanks both, I asked the vet if it was contagious and he said it could be so I informed mum of the kitten, and her brother and sister, as well as keeping a look at my own cat!
Hi natalie, I'm so sorry to here about your little baby puss "Matilda", this is a new one on me, i never knew cats could get meningitis. X X X :-(
So sorry natalie, please know that you and Matilda are in my thoughts.

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