Many congrats. Chilldoubt. It's important to keep challenging yourself.
On the speeding issue - we live in a small village in the Yorkshire Wolds and speeding is a huge issue, but we can't get the powers-that-be interested because our traffic-flow is below a minimum. Just a few hours ago a motorbike club came whipping past our house (blind bend not far away). They were zipping past at at least 60mph (30 limit) then some more appeared so I thought I'd do something about it and I went out and stood in the middle of the road, moving into their line as they whipped around the bend and making 'slow-down' motions.
It was a bit nerve-wracking, but it worked and, to be fair, when I mouthed 'Thank you' they acknowledged. Hopefully the message will get through as far as our village is concerned at least.