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Remembering Mrs O

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murraymints | 04:45 Mon 07th May 2018 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
On her birthday... Much missed xx


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Squabbling on this thread is extremely inappropriate.

Happy Birthday Mrs O. Don’t worry, the brothel is doing great business ;-)
If Mrs O is looking down at you lot I'm sure she''ll be smiling... she always brought a smile to my face.
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I, too, think fondly back on Mrs O and her threads.
BUT AnswerBank is not now and never has been a Private Members Club.
You can't put up a thread and only accept those replies which are pleasing to you or in agreement.
I think it is an abuse of power to remove (or seek to have removed) a poster because you don't like their comments left on a public forum.
Jth, I agree entirely.
I agree entirely with JTH (almost entirely)

The problem that has developed over the past 4or 5 years is that AB is becoming just that..a Private Members Club and it is that establishment that is keeping AB going however unsatisfactory it may be.
^^ and that is the reason the abuse of power this morning will be totally overlooked!!
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The poster in question has been BANNED.
How far does a user of 15 years need to go to be banned? It seems very OTT...and is that what those he offended want?...I'm sure this query will be removed as unsuitable.

I wonder what Mrs O thinks...maybe she's composing a wicked story as we speak.
Good post jth.
The rest of us have no idea what pills to take sqad... any suggestions?

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