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Disused railway stations in Scotland

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elpea | 14:21 Tue 18th Jul 2006 | People & Places
6 Answers
Can anyone recommend a way to find out where there are disused train stations in Scotland?... is there a list somewhere or do I just have to drive around and look? Any ideas would be appreciated.


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You could try and get hold of an ordanance survey map, pre 1960s Beeching cut backs, and compare it with a modern one. This may help you. Ordanance survey have their own website that sell reproduction maps.
There are various atlases for rail enthusiasts some of which show all the stations that ever existed. A transport bookshop - eg on a preserved railway or the Motor Bookshop, off Charing Cross Road (St Martins Court I think) in London would be a starting point for these.
But they won't show you which have totally disappeared and which are now eg private houses - you'd have to drive around to find that out.
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thanks... think I'll have a drive about, but may get a friend to pop into that shop you mention, dzug, as I'm not in London.
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hi gary baldy, I already checked that one, but it lists mostly stations in England - only Aviemore and St Enoch are in Scotland. Thanks for your suggestion anyway.
Before the alphabetical list starts there is a link ilway_stations_in_Britain

Doesnt go in to detail but could provide a starting point.

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