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Observer Prize Crossword 3735 Sunday May 13Th 2018

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Kite1 | 10:16 Sun 13th May 2018 | Crosswords
5 Answers
cant really get started this week - only done 5! so help with 1 across might help please Cold island, country without an insect- ??c??? Im sure its obvious but I cant get it thanks


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c i c(an)ada
C I cada (canada without an)
Cicada- c(cold) +i(island) + Canada(country) minus an
1across is not one of the easier ones.

I recommend trying 2,17,22 down, and 19,26, 27 across. 13 across is obvious but it is difficult to parse.

I have managed the south but not the north (yet).
FWIT I took it to be "Arctic" - ie Antarctic without "ant" for the insect! It was my FOI too, so had no chance with 1d & 3d. Thanks for putting me right.

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Observer Prize Crossword 3735 Sunday May 13Th 2018

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