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Dennis Nielson Is Deid

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murraymints | 06:02 Sun 13th May 2018 | News
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He did not cook the remains to eat then he cooked them to make it easier to dispose off
Considering Brian Masters interviewed him for his book and he told him where he got all his victims I am sure that he would have coughed to the fact he picked up a couple of casual workers from his office.
Good riddance.
Sick, sick man.
Maybe a topic better served in news ?
I always thought how tragic it is that there are victims of his who died totally un-missed and un-mourned by anybody - they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Yes, Good!
It was hard being gay in the army during the time he was serving.
No I know its not an excuse, but what I am saying is its a lot more complicated than just being glad he's dead!

Yes, bless him. Apparently, he always smiled but in his eyes, his sorrow showed
seems harsh minty, I thought he was good in Airplane as Captain Over.
Talbot :-)
Not to be confused with Donald Nielson, the Black Panther robber and killer.

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