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Prince Charles

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poorclare | 18:35 Sun 20th May 2018 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Can someone tell me why is Prince Charles birthday bash is taking play in May, when his date of birth was/is the 14th of November, 1948. ?

Thanking you


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Perhaps it's reliant on the weather. May is the driest month usually.
//Prince Charles’ 70th birthday patronage garden party at Buckingham Palace will be the first event they attend as the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex on Tuesday.

Last night Charles reportedly had wedding guests rolling in the aisles with his speech after cracking a joke about changing Harry’s nappy.

The outdoor event marks the heir to the throne's milestone birthday - which falls in November - by recognising Charles' patronages and military affiliations as well as charities supported by the Prince of Wales.//
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Thank you, I get it now
any excuse for a royal p-iss-up, clare.....
DTC....I agree with what you imply in this instance, but do you have to be so rude in your retorts to questions.?

A royal p-iss-up , do not think old jug ears could even organise one in a Brewery , DTC.
gulliver1....Prince Charles Does Not have to organise events when he has a large number of staff to attend to such matters,

I fear you are right Hans, any excuse to shoehorn rudery in and some will take it.
The fact he is paying for 400 people or is it people from 400 charities? to have a p-up is a nice touch I think.

As it gets nearer his actual birthday there will be plenty of royal duties to ‘celebrate’ it but I bet the family do will be something we don’t hear too much about.

what's rude about that...Christ, it must be Sunday and the purists have had their Communion and on the rampage.
Or even Ruderie!
It's clear that when speaking or in this case typing to a large group of people whose age and sensibilities you have no idea of some of us choose our terms more carefully than others.

I haven't had Communion today either.

I'm not sure organising a Garden Party in November would be wise either.
think it's one of those English versus American spellings.....
A Much Ado about Nothing....Sunday evening rubbish and if this is the sort of attack that is on, then stuff it, I'm off - and I want to see Huge Grant playing Mr Thorpe.
DTC ...Even you must have thought that your remarks would Not get past the swear filter. Hence the reason for your use of hyphens in your comment at 19.49.



Recording that, looks good.
just going to get my coat , off to the pub for a p-iss-up.
without looking at the posts - sista said that to me today - and I said no way - his birthday is November - then I thought it was Anne's.

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