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Tough Choices

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queenofmean | 16:13 Mon 21st May 2018 | ChatterBank
43 Answers
Had 2 cats at the vet today, both for checkups.

Late mum’s cat didn’t get the prognosis I expected. Bottom line is it may be kinder to have her put down. I have myself asked this question many times lately but she doesn’t appear to be suffering in anyway, she still tries to chase your fingers or a paper ball. I’d never let her or want her to suffer in any way but I’m not ready for another loss. She’s like a final link with Mum.

Dad said it’s up to me to make the final decision but I just cannot bring myself to do that, it was hard enough making the choice to have our first cat put to sleep, which was a family decision.

Why is life so cruel?


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Thank you Pasta and Tilly :) xx
I've heard that the universe throws at you what it knows you can cope with.
What a lot of croc as it doesn't ease any pain.
You'll know when the time is right to let go.

((hugs)) xx
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I’ve had a lot thrown at me Alba, I’ve done ok. This is something I’ll always struggle with. Molly and I basically grew up together. But thank you everyone for your kind words.

If I’m not about over the next few days I’ll be spending precious time with my Molly.


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