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Have You Won Anything?

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NoMercy | 05:54 Mon 28th May 2018 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
I spend a bit more time these days entering competitions and free prize draws and participating in online surveys if there is a chance to win some vouchers.

Has anyone won anything this way? I just wondered if I was wasting my time.



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I've won a cash on a few crosswords - a few times the RTÉ Guide, Sunday World and recently bought one of those Tassimo coffee machines for just €10, a Bosch one, registered the machine online and got 2x€10 vouchers, a courier just arrived in past ½ hour with 2 cartons of L'Or coffee for me ;)
OH, I bought the machine second hand from a person on facebook selling page - the money I gave her was toward a charity (I think she just wanted rid of it)
I once won a (brand new) car, but that's a long time ago.
We donated to the pub raffle an enormous Buddha like chocolate thing which our daughter had won in a Christmas charity raffle and we also bought tickets. Unfortunately we then won it back in the raffle so we asked them to re-raffle it which they did!
Last week I won a lucky dip in the Lottery, that ticket didn't win anything though.
Marvel, any time you win a small amount on a scratchcard, buy chocolate.
£1000 cheque from Ribena text comp, a laptop, £100 Asda voucher, £100 TK Maxx, flowers, hampers,£100 Halfords, loads of beauty/makeup stuff, tickets, hotel stay. Few small lottery/scratchy wins. I used to be a major comper as a hobby at one time , enter enough and u WILL win at some point
Bookbinder a car is an amazing win!

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