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well... on wednesday night he turned up at my flat, quite drunk... he rambled on about how we shouldn't see each other, that it was doing his head in, and he wouldn't be in touch for a while. He just came out with all this stuff... and I didn't really know what to do, so I just listened. When he asked what I thought, I said there wasn't much I could do as it seemed he'd made his mind up, he'd given me no option. He prompty passed out on the sofa, so I let him be and I went to bed. Next morning we were both a bit late for work so there was no time to talk. I decided that I would leave him to it, not phone or text him. I couldn't decide what to do, and had all these situations running round my head. Anyway, he phoned after work, and asked if he could come over and cook dinner, and make up for being such an idiot and apologise. It ended up being a fabulous evening.
At the same time, should I take seriously what he said whilst under the influence? He does remember most of it, but said he was being drunk and dramatic.