When you introduce alcohol to your body its reaction is to get rid of it. It does this via the kidneys. These effectively mix the alcohol with water and the resulting mixture is passed out in your urine. The kidneys obviously have to be provided with water to enable them to do this and there is not enough water contained in the wine to enable your kidneys to process the wine�s alcohol content.
This is why it is recommended that you drink as much water as possible before going to bed after a night�s drinking. Failure to do so results in a �parched� feeling in the morning.
In your cellar, at its constant moderate temperature, with no liquid or food intake and constantly resting, you might be able to survive for up to two weeks. However, if you ate anything (still without drinking) or if you drank the wine, this period would be considerably reduced. Your kidneys would extract any water from your body in their efforts to process the toxins in the food or the wine.
The symptoms your body may exhibit during this period before your death would firstly be rather like those of a hangover: Thirst; Vagueness; Discomfort; Impatience; Nausea; Loss of Efficiency; Dizziness; and Headache. However, you would rapidly exhibit more serious symptoms such as Breathlessness, Tingling in the limbs, Absence of Salivation, Indistinct Speech, Inability to walk and Cyanosis (turning blue due to lack of blood oxygen). Finally you would descend into Delirium, Dimming of Vision and Death.