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I Would Say.....

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gness | 22:57 Thu 07th Jun 2018 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
....bliss tonight was.....but the tension was unbearable......would we or wouldn't came down to five questions....

The pub quiz.....we came first but along with two other teams......god if only I had changed Sanskrit to Symbols..... :-(

So...five questions for the three heart was racing......I could hardly write the answers the pen was shaking so much in my hand....but.......

We did it! Four right answers.....three and two for the we have two more bottles of Vintage Wine we won't drink.....but we won!!!!..... ;-)


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It's such a wonderful sense of achievement isn't it. Well done!
Well done Gness and your team.
Question Author
Thanks, is fun and I don't really mind not winning......but I do so hate to lose.... ;-)

p.s. Answered you on the bliss thread last night but a bit late...x
Question Author
Thanks, Marval....our film and TV buff is on holiday next week so I may have to ..... well lose I suppose.... :-)
Can I delete all those texts from you now? The one's with lots of odd questions that I've been googling answers for all evening?
Question Author
You can indeed, Chris...and thank you but messing up on Messi nearly lost us the wine!!!!
Wow you and your team are doing really well. Well done!!

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