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Sweary Word X 100!

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gness | 15:01 Sat 09th Jun 2018 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Enthusiastically trimming a the garden.....and cut through the solar fountain wire....

Still...could have been the mains one..... :-(


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I have both, Ael! Well, except for the gap in the bush when I realised what I had done....

A very nice man came and fixed the fountain.....should have been in exchange for dinner...but I took poorly....went to bed and he cooked his own dinner too..... :-(
stll sayin' nuttin'... thinking plenty ! ;0)
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Oh buzz off you! Have you not enough to do with all those women trying to get into your shed now too? You'll have to let Gibbs go you'll still have Tony....he'll manage fine.... ;-)
the sten gun is up and I have Tony on border patrol wi' a straining beast on a leash.... Gibbs is having a wee lie in today..poor soul is fair spent ;o)

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