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nailit | 18:27 Sun 10th Jun 2018 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I know that dreams have been discussed many times here on AB and I always find the threads interesting/insightful/fascinating or whatever.
Recently Ive been having recurring dreams of UFO's attacking Earth/Me.
(when I say recently, I mean every night and to the point that I wake up in a panic)
Got no interest in UFO's, don't particularly believe in UFO's so why the bloody hell do I dream about UFO's every night?

I have insomnia as it is, so when I DO finally get some shut eye, I would like to enjoy it without having to hide from some alien life force that is out to destroy either myself or the entire planet...


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UFOs represent ABers. The rest you can work out :-)
Outside forces interfering/upsetting your life/ equilibrium??
I think the key here is the word 'unidentified' and I'd hazard a guess that the UFO's actually represent things that are unknown to you, and that you are worried that you won't be able to correctly identify when you are under threat so end up feeling paranoid about all sorts of things because you're constantly in flight or flight mode, hence the recurring dreams to that effect. I get all sorts of weird dreams that are representational rather than literal.
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I don't get this idea that our dreams are our subconscious minds trying to tell us something. If there were a part of ourselves communicating with our conscious self then why the hell doesn't it present it in everyday terms (or dreams) that we can understand rather than relying on the interpretations of soothsayers?
Because that would be conscious... your subconscious works differently.
I can usually work out why I have dreams and what the content means
Nice to see you again on AB Nailit. I enjoy your threads. What have you been reading/watching before going to sleep? I believe that influences our dreams, or something else that has been playing heavily on your mind lately.

I had a minor op on my foot last week and the gave me a sedative intravenously, I had incredible nightmares that night.
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//What have you been reading/watching before going to sleep?//
Currently reading this Sam. Usually a chapter or two b4 sleep but no mention of UFO's and these dreams started b4 then anyway. User Recommendation
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Sorry wrong book, its this one (same author) User Recommendation
There you go 'How to turn your enemies into friends'... so you subconscious presents you with something potentially hostile :)
Before too many amateur psychologists and mystics pile in with sundry interpretations, have you checked yourself for evidence of probing at the usual sites on the body?
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//so you subconscious presents you with something potentially hostile :) //

But I don't need my subconscious to tell me what is hostile. Im quiet aware of what is hostile. I don't need any dream to tell me that in cryptic terms, im conscious of it any way.
Yeah but it's just your subconscious doing it's job properly, consider it a victory, it's part of you working perfectly, embrace it, I've had to lately as well x
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//have you checked yourself for evidence of probing at the usual sites on the body?//
Mmm, theres a point! Hang on, I'll have a look (or a firk)
I think most dreams are related to your brain processing events, comments, thoughts that occurred during the day. There might be one or two dreams that are prophetic (I have only ever had one of those) but in the main, I don't think there is anything mysterious about them.

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