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What Made Me Move And Dance Around The Kitchen?

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gness | 22:22 Sun 10th Jun 2018 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
I had just pressed enter on a post to Samuraisan when a bee went up the short sleeve of my top and down into my bosom.......
Some of the wine from the glass in my left hand has actually hit the ceiling......the chair is upended and I have invented a new dance.... :-(


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You could do your impromptu shuffle to this, gness.
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Perfect, 10C! Just the right tempo for me..... I've tried it and it's good.....even if I do look silly......:-)
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Thank god no, Ark! Just the one little buzzer...... x
...and yet gave you the Heebie- Bee Gees'
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And this what it was trying to do as I was dancing and swatting!
A sight to behold I'm sure ;-)

Kiss of death as the saying goes but I've never being stung by a wasp or bee.
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I have been stung by two wasps....exactly a year apart but oddly in the same place on my neck and in the same place on some steps going into Kettering General Hospital....weird or what!
On the second occasion I was going for a mammogram and the sting sent me woozy so I reported it at reception...
When I was in the getting ready cubicle a nurse brought me two sachets of vinegar....
I said.....Oh this is new...what do I do...rub one on each breast?

No...she replied....I was told you'd been stung..I brought you these from the cafe to rub on the sting..... :-(
Lol, Lol, Lol!

On FB today my Aunt posted she was cleaning a garden table and discovered too late a wasps nest was underneath... stung several times... and that was the first I'd ever heard of using vinegar.
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Oh I recall MrG disturbing a wasps nest....he was up a ladder dismantling a chimney....don't think he touched one rung on the way down!
You don't half paint a funny picture when sharing stuff. After I've jinxed myself now I'm going to be wary tomorrow... hearing about vinegar for the first time twice in the same day.

Now that's spooky!
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So...if I see a chap wandering about with a big bottle of Sarson's I'll know it's you!.... :-)
Yep... Sarson's that'll be a bottle I'll carrying around with me. Maybe some Malt-stuff ;-)
Sarsons is brewed just around the corner from here. You can smell it when the wind's in the right direction. Or should it be the wrong direction!
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Bit like me and Weetabix, 10C.....when the wind blows this way....

Found the bee.....dead on the hall carpet....poor thing.... :-(
Actually gness, I like bumble bees. There are two bumble bee nests in my garden, so I'm reluctant to cut the grass, as it will take out the clover as well, which they are always on. It's a food source for them!
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I adore them, 10C.....I have some nests too....a pleasure to watch....

Last year they nested in a bird box and the ones inside formed a circle around the hole in the little guards peeping out...x
Baby bumbles are adorable, Id used an old duvet under a pond liner, I moved some stones and they came out buzzed around and popped back in again, perfect little miniatures

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