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tasty advert

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ceres | 21:53 Fri 21st Jul 2006 | Film, Media & TV
14 Answers
which advert has the song...'They're tasty, tasty, very very tasty' ?


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Who's gonna fire the first shot?

Start building those gallows!!
Is it 'Groundhog Day' ?
Birdseye potato waffles

Birdeye potatoe waffles, they're waffle versatile, they go with beans, bangers, ....blah fingers,
Grill 'em, bake 'em, fry 'em, taste 'em
etc etc

They're tasty tasty very very tasty, they're very tasty!
Ethel, you naughty girl !!

100 lines:

They're tasty, tasty, very very tasty..
Of course it is!!! Feel rather slow now....
Who'se willing to bet with me that we'll never see or hear from ceres ever again? ;-)
ceres, how many more times are you going to ask this question? its getting a wee bit boring now!
Must be a masochist, or a plonker!
BTW Why was this Q not posted in em, em, very very em..Adverts???
Don't knock it, wonderwoman.

It's one question I CAN answer. :)
Well I'm off to bed, have an early call in the morning with an old charabanc picking me up for a mystery tour with other wrinklies and crumblies, from some site called Answerbank. Gotta go make some fishpaste sarnies..

Nighty-night *Yawn*

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tasty advert

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