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Psoriasis Cure?

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Theland | 11:41 Mon 18th Jun 2018 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
For years I have had large patches of psoriasis or eczema on my shins. Had steroid creams off GP when it got really bad. Mainly used E45 etc as routine.
Because of my weight, recently went on a strict diet. Hardly any meat, no alcohol, lots of vegetables and some fruit etc every day.
Weight coming off slowly because of inactivity, due to other health problems, but the scaly skin on my shins has completely disappeared.
Really happy about it.


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Praise the Lord :)
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I am pleased that you no longer seem to have your skin complaint, Theland. I hope you continue in the same vein. Best wishes.
I suffered with it very badly for years. When I first went to the doctor his first question was have I suffered a bereavement.

You've changed your has your stress levels gone down?

I have none now. I also have no stress.
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Psoriasis Cure?

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