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You Know The Gods Are With You....

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gness | 23:03 Sun 01st Jul 2018 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
.....when you choose the red splodgy dress over the turquoise one for dinner.......I should stick to black....
If you send the glass of red flying all over the table...floor and you it won't matter so much in the red dress.....

The white cardi hasn't fared so well though..... :-{.


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Should stick to beer then, gness ;-)
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I had a beer yesterday, the brewery because I had was okay but give me a glass of red or a Guinness any time....
I still don't know why this glass went all over me when I hit it away from me....?
Must be one of those boomerang glasses, gness.
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Now that'd be good, Tony....if it came back full every time!
My wife bought me a multi coloured multi patterned golf shirt. You cannot see any stains even when I dribble...
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Your wife knows you well then, David!

I did see the post about your sister......I do wish her well....tought times for you all...x
Playing charades at a friend's house I knocked a full glass of red wine over their beige carpet. Bad news. But the good news was that a new carpet was being fitted the very next day anyway. Phew!!!
Aren't you supposed to just pour a bottle of white wine over it all and it's ok again ?
Just wring the cardi out and call it 'tie dyed'
Waste of good wine though ☺☺☺
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I know that sense of relief, Arrods......painting the landing I dropped a big brush full of paint and it hit every stair on the way heart sank til I remembered the new carpets were on order..... :-)

That would waste even more good wine, OG!

A good tip, Slack...thank you....x
Oh come come. You know one doesn't buy white for drinking !
Twice now I've knocked over red wine onto our beige carpet. Having had practice, white vinegar and water sprayed on and repeatedly mopped up with paper towel followed by one of the proprietary stain removers does the trick.
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I would have agreed once, OG.....but we bought some wonderful white on the drive here......good enough to change our intended route home to buy more....quite a lot more.... :-)
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I shall keep that in mind, Arrods...thank you. I've just replaced the sitting and dining room carpets with paler ones......and I just know what's going to happen!
//The white cardi hasn't fared so well though//
i didn't see dave as the white cardi kind of chap ...

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