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Which Is It Please

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jasperbd | 05:18 Mon 09th Jul 2018 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Superior numbers ultimately high, one senses. WE have 2 answers. SNIFFS or SNIFFY. which is correct please and why


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If the last letter is part of another word, that may help. If it's not, it doesn't matter.
Sniffy = superior
S= (number)s ultimately
niffy = high/off one senses
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One senses indicates third person singular therefore sniffs.
one senses something is high if it is NIFFY
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Superior is the definition = Sniffy
Niffy = High
preceded by (number)S, ultimately
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ozzy - until I did the crossword myself I hadn't either and had to look it up and hope it was there. Whiffy I had heard of, but not niffy!
Best wishes
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