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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:30 Mon 09th Jul 2018 | ChatterBank
64 Answers
Monday. The lovely hot weather goes on, I love it! I know some don't like the heat, and you have my sympathy.

Nothing particular to do today, but I'm sure something will occur. Like the car needing a clean! Or something important, like supervising the weeds growing.

Have a happy day everyone.



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EEK boaty !
I know when people I care about need me, I get what feels like a push towards the phone, and at those times i remember their number without thinking or looking it up. When people die I often get a sense of that too, a fleeting thought of oh so and so is dead....
you must be more" sensitive" than most Rowan ... I sometimes know who is on the phone when it rings
whole family are like it.... i think there are some real witches in my lineage

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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